Download or read online Ebooks PDF My Story of Survival

Title:My Story of Survival
Author:Mimi Emmanuel
ID book:rO1-jwEACAAJ

MY STORY OF SURVIVALMy Story of Survival tells us how of faith, hope and courage overcame life-threatening medical emergencies and produced a ten-ingredient-only diet which nursed the author back to health. BESTSELLERWithin days of its launch 'My Story of Survival' was listed as an Amazon bestseller in 7 categories including Health, Det and Fitness, Medical ebooks and received a #1 bestselling banner under Christian books self-help. TEN INGREDIENTS ONLYMimi lived on ten ingredients in total for a period of five years; for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every single day.LOW REACTIVE DIETHer diet contains no gluten, eggs, sugar, fructose, grains, flours, nuts, seeds, meat, beans, soy, and no legumes. Initially, her diet contained no dairy either.DIET COVERS LARGE RANGE OF CONDITIONSMimi's diet may benefit anyone who suffers from gut problems, allergies, food intolerances, sensitive gut or chemical sensitivities. This includes people who have been diagnosed with autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, Lupus, chronic fatigue, persistent and ongoing Glandular fever (Epstein-Barr virus), irritable bowel and fibromyalgia.The author's One Size Fits All diet has a lot in common with the FODMAP diet plan which was developed by Sue Shepherd PhD and Peter Gibson MD, and is considered a revolutionary plan for managing IBS and other digestive disorders. But even this so called 'must-have-survival-guide' would not have worked for Mimi after she ruptured her appendix and developed septicaemia whilst suffering from antibiotic intolerance.HEALTHY DIETThe surprising ten ingredients in Mimi's diet can quickly set people back on a path to achieve optimum health. Her healthy diet is an easy short read and a great beginners guide to healthy living.By repairing her gut, Mimi's health improved exponentially and many of the symptoms either disappeared or were greatly reduced.OODLES OF FAITHThe author reckons that the secret ingredient of 'oodles of faith' worked miracles. Read Mimi's fascinating true story to find out what happened.FOREWORD BY HEALTH PRACTITIONERWriting this foreword to Mimi Emmanuel's little book has been challenging to me personally, as I felt I could not possibly endorse the concept of eating only ten foods to obtain all the nutrients necessary for sustaining life.However, since I first met Mimi some six years ago, I have witnessed how she has slowly started to regain her health through a process that could be described as an experiment in survival ...So we have Mimi's OSFA diet, perhaps the ultimate low-reactive diet plan. It may be a good place to start when no other answers seem forthcoming ...Gregory Turner N.D. Grad. Dip. Health Science (Nutrition Medicine). A NOTE ON CONTENT FROM THE EDITORYou have gone through extraordinary difficulties, as you related in your book. I suspect many people, upon developing so many food sensitivities/allergies simultaneously, likely would not live long enough to make the discoveries you have. I completely understand your wish to share your hard-won knowledge with others, in the hopes they might find relief from dietary issues plaguing them; you know all too well the misery such problems cause! I applaud your ingenuity and willingness to experiment.With all the best wishes for your book and your continued recovery of your health.Editor of 'My Story of Survival'

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